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About us

Trikut Sanchar, a revolutionary product of Trikut Info service Pvt Ltd. Is a cross platform marketing solution of today’s era bringing any business a transformational mode of sending promotional and transactional message via What’s App, SMS, Instagram and customize to any required tool whether it’s to be integrated to iOS or android phone. Our application now takes over the messaging world trending the market and business with prompt quick service. Trikut Sanchar platform is an effective marketing tool helps your business to reach, cover and penetrate the market targeting your segment customers with minimum effort and maximum benefits. We not only provide solution that offer sending media-rich bulk messages but also offers maximum reach to the target audience.

The most attractive point of our platform is no reader can miss the message.  We distinctly get connected and assure successful delivery of promotional, transactional messages at no time keeping your customers with the updates regarding the offers, deals, discounts that will ultimately increase your business with Win-Win advantage. It offers brands to reach a huge subscriber base of 900 million numbers that no other marketing tool does.

Trikut Sanchar features in broadcasting the promotional message via WA, SMS and Instagram allowing your business to send multiple messages from your database or contact list at once without selecting them manually , getting you the opportunity to reach a larger consumer, maximum audience at minimum time that no other marketing tool can assure such positive message campaigns.


Why choose us?

  • Quick service
  • Large targets
  • Easy approach
  • Trending social channel promotion
  • Powering relationship
  • Securing messaging
  • Transforming promotional strategies
  • Cross platform user friendly application
  • Competitive pricing
Trikut Sanchar All Rights Reserved.
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