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Use Trikut Sanchar Bulk Whatsapp
and build your market at as low as 0.11p/msg


Just login, buy credit's, START sending bulk whatsapp or SMS at as low as 0.11p/sms. No need to install any third party software.

Trikut Sanchar dashboard is completely web based and high secured portal. You can send Bulk SMS, Bulk Whatsapp, and Transactional SMS at ease. And get your reports too.


Trikut Sanchar Product of

Trikut Info Service

Trikut Sanchar, a revolutionary product of Trikut Info service Pvt Ltd. Is a cross platform marketing solution of today’s era bringing any business a transformational mode of sending promotional and transactional message via What’s App, SMS, Instagram and customize to any required tool whether it’s to be integrated to iOS or android phone.


Lets crack some numbers

Here is what happened in this pandemic. Total Bulk Whatsapp, Promotional SMS sent and our happy customers


Bulk Whatsapp Sent So Far


Happy customers


Bulk Promotion SMS Sent


Transactional SMS Sent

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Feature two
Feature Three

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Duis imperdiet purus eu sem dictum, non ullamcorper massa venenatis. Sed fermentum, lacus in lobortis hendrerit, mauris turpis laoreet justo, eget cursus purus mi porttitor felis.

Etiam rhoncus sem id lectus molestie sodales ac id purus. Integer sed lacus a est bibendum dignissim et eu massa. Quisque venenatis ullamcorper hendrerit. Integer egestas odio orci, at venenatis augue feugiat a. Mauris maximus luctus lorem sit amet euismod.

Fusce augue ante, vestibulum vel est in, congue placerat lacus. Curabitur consequat accumsan diam eu feugiat.

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